We are excited to announce that the latest version of World Battlefest: Global Supremacy now includes an online multiplayer mode to connect and play with others on any of our platforms (Android or Windows)! Please see our trailer below for a quick look:
We are excited to announce that our newest game, World Battlefest: Global Supremacy, is now officially available on the Google Play Store to download.
It is free to download and play and is compatible with all Android devices. Please note you will need a Google Account to download it from the Play Store.
We also have a Windows version available, and the installer can be downloaded using the link below (once downloaded run the installer program inside the zip file).
World Battlefest: Global Supremacy – is a turn-based strategy game to wage battle against your opponents, conquering their territory on route to Global Supremacy. Deploy, Attack and Fortify your way to victory with the strategic placement and use of Artillery and Forts to gain the upper hand. If you like the game RISK, or any map strategy games, this might be for you. Download it for free right now.
Game Rules:
Each game has between 3 and 6 players (Human or AI) and currently supports Single-Player, Multi-Player (Play and Pass), and Online Multiplayer modes. Each player has an active turn per round where they go through 4 phases, Deploy, Exchange, Attack and Fortify, and take active strategic control of their Armies to expand their territories. **Online Multi-Player Game Mode has just been released**
Game map:
There are currently two different Game maps to choose from and include either the classic World Map or a United States Map.
You then can choose your preferred Map setup format for game setup to be either Random or Manual. With Random, all players are randomly assigned their starting territories and army placement by the AI in a very fast process. With Manual, all players select their starting territories and once all territories have been claimed, their initial army placements, in a pre-game round robin selection process.
Game styles (Gameplay Goal):
There are 3 different Game styles with different ending goals, and you select which type you want at the start of each game. There is Global Supremacy, where the winner has to control all 100% of the territories that exist on the Game map. Global Conquest, where the winner has to control 70% of the territories that exist on the Game map. The final type allows you to set a Round Limit for the game where the winner is determined by whomever has the most territory at the end of the signified round. Round limit games can include either 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 round games.
Round Limit Tiebreaker: If the number of territories does not provide a clear winner at the end of a Round Limit game and there is more than 1 player tied for the most under their control, the first tiebreaker is whomever has the most Battle Wins, the 2nd tiebreaker is whomever has the largest army in regard to Infantry units.
Game Phases:
Each Player takes their turn during the round and controls their Armies through the following 4 phases, progressing through them one at a time. For those that have previous experience with turn-based strategy/map games, these steps should look and feel fairly familiar.
With your 1st step, you receive any new Infantry Units or “troops” for your turn. You receive new troops based on your recruitment totals, with the baseline amount coming from your number of controlled territories.
Video on Recruiting and Deployment:
Bonuses are then added to generate your total needed for deployment. Bonuses come from trading in Battlecards, controlling whole regions and from improving recruitment infrastructure by placing Military Centers. The number of new troops are displayed within game piece circle in the menu.
You then decide on which of your territories will receive these additions. Each newly recruited unit is added one at a time and placed by clicking their destination territory on the map. Once all new troops have been placed, you move to the next phase.
Note: the Deploy phase is the one phase during your turn where you may trade-in Battlecards for additional troops, you need to have at least 3 of them to execute any trade. If you plan on trading in any Battlecards please make sure you do so prior to placing your final recruit on the map during this phase or you likely will have to wait until your next turn.
In your second phase, you have the ability to trade / exchange existing Infantry troops for special Military equipment, which are added to your Military inventory and displayed on the map. The exchange choices include either an Artillery unit (Cost: 4 Infantry units), a Fortress (Cost: 3 Infantry units) or a Military Center (Cost: 2 Infantry units) and each provide their own specific benefits.
You can only add 1 of these special Military items during the Exchange phase per turn and you also can only place them in a territory that has the required number of troops to make the exchange.
Performing an Exchange: Video Walk-through
To make an exchange, click on the territory on the map you would like to add a military item to, to begin the process. Click on the appropriate equipment icon, Artillery, Fortress, or Military Center to choose that item. You can click on the Exit Territory button to exit the exchange process with that territory.
- For Artillery or Military Center, once chosen, you only need to confirm the exchange and the action is complete. Note: for Artillery, the maximum amount each territory can add is 2 Artillery units.
- For a Fortress (or Forts), you will still need to select the specific border you want the fortress to be placed on and protect and these are illustrated with translucent fort icons.
A Fortress also covers more than a single border, as it offers a protection range of up to 3 concurrent borders, and whichever border you choose to place the Fort (i.e. main or central Fort), on each of its adjacent border sides (space permitting) a Fort Tower will be placed. A Fort Tower offers 1/2 the strength and bonuses of the main Fort and is denoted on the map with the icon displayed below.
Once you have decided on border(s) you want to protect, click the fort icon for the main Fort’s border and confirm the exchange to complete the action.
The number of forts available are usually equal to the number of adjacent countries for each territory, but on some occasions a single fort can block or protect against multiple entry points (Japan for example has a single fort slot to protect from both adjacent territories). The United States map also has a number of states that have a single fort slot that protects against multiple borders.
Once confirmed the item will be placed and number of troops will be removed from the territory. Since only one exchange can occur per turn, you are automatically moved to the next phase. The exchange phase is optional and can be skipped by clicking the Next Button within the menu interface to move you to the next phase.
In the 3rd phase, you have the ability to launch attacks from your territories into any opponent’s neighboring territories to reduce their armies and expand your area of control. You may attack as many times as you have the troop resources to engage, or you can skip this phase and not attack at all.
Each attack follows a standard 3 step process, where you first select the territory where you are attacking from, then select which neighbor territory you are attacking, and finish the process by selecting how many of the Infantry troops from your source territory will be included in the assault. After which, the dice are rolled, the odds are calculated, and the Battle results are returned.
Launching an Attack: Video Walk-through
Battle Plans: you have the ability to add a specific military action to your pre-attack plans which can be run prior to your actual attack and can help supplement your overall offensive (and defensive) strategies during this phase. Please see the Battle Plan section below for more details on this feature.
Each side can have as many as 10 Infantry Units included in any single Battle. The side with the lower amount of Infantry units in the Battle sets the number of head-to-head engagements that will be fought. Each engagement consists of a Dice roll for each side that are compared to determine a winner and a loser, the losing side of each engagement has 1 unit removed from game. Note: the defensive side automatically adds as many troops to the Battle as they have available in the defending territory, regardless of the attacker’s numbers, only leaving 1 unit in reserve by default, if possible.
The Battle results are displayed on-screen and include each player’s Dice rolls, along with any casualties that may have been incurred on both sides.
You can attack as many times as allowed by your situation. But you must attack from a territory with at least 2 Armies, and any territory you attack must be reachable by being directly adjacent on the map (i.e., touching) or accessible through one of the water bridge lines (white dotted lines denoting adjacency). Once you are finished attacking, click the Next Button to move to the next phase.
In the 4th and final phase, prior to the end of your turn, you have the opportunity to transfer troops from one territory to another – and fortify it.
Fortify a Territory: Video Walk-through
You can transfer Infantry units between any of your territories as long as there is a continuously linked route between the two through your territories. No predefined distance limits are in effect for fortification transfers. Artillery can also be transferred from territory to territory using this method.
Once you complete a fortification, both the phase and your turn end for the round. The fortify phase is optional and can be skipped by clicking the Next Button within the menu interface to end your turn.
Battle Plan
Battle Plans are only available during the Attack Phase and are designed to complement the offensive maneuvers undertaken during that phase. You can choose between options for Bombardment, Unit Repositioning, Infrastructure / Sabotage Raid or Army Drill and each are available for use in your controlled territories that have met the requirements to run them (i.e. you need to have an Artillery unit to run a Bombardment Battle Plan).
Battle Plans are designed to be used as companions or opening salvos to your main offensive attacks and all of them, except for Army Drill, require a direct attack to occur to allow the plan to be put into action. Each Bombardment, Unit Reposition and Raiding Battle Plan created will begin as an opening act for your next offensive move.
Before walking through the steps of a Battle Plan, each of the 4 types are listed below with a brief description of their primary purpose and general use case(s).
- Bombardment – those territories with an Artillery unit can undertake Bombing Campaigns against neighboring opponents and attempt to cause Infantry casualties and damage to Military structures (Forts, Military Centers and other Artillery) through ranged Artillery fire with little to no danger to themselves.
- Unit Repositioning – provides for the ability to move a percentage of housed Infantry units, along with up to 1 Artillery unit, if applicable, from one territory to a friendly neighboring territory. Differs from Fortifying as it only allows movement to be 1 territory per Battle Plan and you can only move a maximum of 50% of the Infantry units from the transfer source. Artillery may also be repositioned without the need to include Infantry.
- Infrastructure/Sabotage Raid – the main purpose of raids is to send troops into enemy territory with the goal of damaging and knocking out their current Military structures (Forts, Military Centers and Artillery). Raids can have the byproduct of causing enemy troop causalities, but is a harder goal to accomplish especially if the enemy territory contains more than just a few Infantry units.
- Army Drill – used for a single purpose, and that is to train Infantry troops which in turn provide your territory with +50 Army Experience Points. Army experience points can be very useful to have during combat operations. Note: Can only be used with territories that contain a Military Center.
Video Walk-through: Setting a new Battle Plan
To setup a new Battle Plan, click the Set Battle Plan Button to enter a temporary Battle Planning Phase to create a plan to accompany your next offensive attack.
Every player receives 1 free Battle Plan per round and at the beginning of each Attack Phase your Set Battle Plan button should be enabled. One Battle Plan can be setup prior to any offensive attack and can be run with your attacks as many times as you have resources to add them. Note: once the free Battle Plan has been used, you can purchase additional ones at the cost of 250 Army Experience points (Army XP) per plan, for the remainder of the Attack phase (more on this below).
Any territory that has at least 1 Battle Plan option available should be identified on the map at this point. To begin adding a Battle Plan, click on the territory on the map you like include to begin the process.
All 4 Battle Plan types will be listed, with each one displayed on their own card. Only the ones available in that specific territory will be enlarged and in color to signify that have meet the prerequisites and can be selected. (i.e. Only territories that have an Artillery unit also eligible to use the Bombardment Battle Plan, the requirements are listed below for each type).
Click on the appropriate Battle Plan type, either Bombardment, Unit Repositioning, Sabotage Raid or Army Drill to choose that item. You can click on the Exit Territory button to exit the Battle Plan process with that territory.
If Army Drill is selected, this is the only step required in the process and the only Battle Plan type that does not require an accompanying attack. Once you have confirmed the action you will receive the results from the Battle Plan immediately. With Army Drill the benefits include +50 Army Experience Points provided to the selected territory, for having their Infantry units undergo training at the local Military Center.
If any of the remaining options are selected, either Bombardment, Sabotage Raid or Unit Reposition, you will then be asked to choose the territory you want to target, or territory you want as the transfer destination in regard to the Unit Repositioning plan, in the 2nd step of the Battle Plan creation process.
When prompted for either a Target or Destination, all eligible to be selected territories will have their colors slightly changing (i.e. blinking) to visually identify them on the Game map. White adjacency arrows may also be present to assist in spotlighting those territories that are subject to inclusion.
For Bombardment Battle Plans, that is all that is required. Once you have decided on your bombing target, select confirm to complete the Battle Plan.
For Sabotage Raids and Unit Repositioning, once your target / destination territory is selected, the last step is to enter the number of Infantry troops being included in the Battle Plan and to confirm the action.
While in the Battle Plan Phase, if you want to return to the Attack Phase without setting a Battle Plan, click the End Battle Plan Button. You will be returned to the Attack Phase and no Battle Plan will have been used; you may return to the Battle Plan Phase as long as you have a Battle Plan remaining.
Current number of available Battle Plans are denoted within the black circle displayed behind the top left corner of the Battlecards Menu Icon, opposite side from your current Battlecard count.
Once a Battle Plan is successfully created and recorded you will be automatically exited from the Battle Plan Phase and returned to the Attack Phase. Your Set Battle Plan button will have changed to an Add Battle Plan button and will no longer be enabled. The Battle Plan is properly stored and will automatically be run immediately prior to your next attack during the current turn.
Note: once setting a Battle Plan that requires a matching Attack to be performed, if no attack is entered and run during the current Attack Phase, that set Battle Plan will be lost and automatically deleted by the system.
Add Battle Plan: once you have used your free Battle Plan, any additional Battle Plans added during the Attack phase costs 250 of your accumulated Army XP points for each new plan. While free Battle Plans are use them or lose them each round, a Battle Plan purchased with Army XP that remains unset and unused during the current phase, will be automatically saved and rolled over for use in a future turn.
To add a new Battle Plan during the Attack Phase, click the Add Battle Plan Button once you have accumulated 250 Army XP. Your player’s Army Experience points total is displayed on the battlecard icon to the left of the battlecard buttons and circled below for reference.
Once you select confirm the new Battle Plan is added, and your Army XP deducted. You can then click the Set Battle Plan Button and use the same steps from above to record another Battle Plan. As previously mentioned, you can add and run a Battle Plan in tandem with your Attacks as many times as you have resources in which to obtain them during your turn.
Battle Plan source territory and target / destination territory requirements for using each type:
- Bombardment – a source territory requires an Artillery unit and at least one eligible bombing target, which is an opponent’s territory on a reachable border (i.e. Attackable border) that contains at least 2 Infantry units.
- Unit Repositioning – requires the source territory to have at least 2 Infantry units and at least one eligible transfer target, which is another territory you control on a reachable border. While the Fortify function allows for movement over multiple adjacencies, the Unit Reposition only allows movement of 1 territory at a time.
- Sabotage Raid – requires the source territory to have at least 3 Infantry units, a minimum of 25 Army Experience points, along with having at least one eligible raiding target. A raiding target is an opponent’s territory, that contains either a Military structure (Fort, Military Center, Artillery) or at least 2 infantry units, and is no more than 2 territories away. A raiding target doesn’t need to have direct adjacency with your source territory, but it does need to be adjacent to one of your controlled territories (doesn’t need to be the source) and cannot be further away from your source than 2 degrees of adjacency (i.e. adjacent to one of your adjacencies).
- Army Drill – requires the source territory to have a Military Center.
Gameplay Features:
Army Experience Points
Army Experience points: As Battles and Battle Plans are executed, Infantry units in each territory gain Army Experience, which is represented in this game as points or Army XP. The experience acquired is based on their number of enemy engagements along with the results of those engagements. This Army experience is then accumulated at the territory level where it can be used by your forces to find advantages on the Battlefield that can be used to exploit your opponents.
Army Experience is also totaled at the Player level from your controlled territories. Army experience can then be used as a type of currency to purchase and add additional Battle Plans during your Attack Phase.
Infantry units receive a small amount of experience for every Battle and receive a larger bonus if they are on the winning side of a Battle and survive; Successful Bombardment and Sabotage Raid Battle Plans, along with showing a stout Raid defense can also earn experience points for their territory.
Being able to amass and spend Army XP on additional Battle Plans can provide a major benefit to your offensive strategy and overall efficiency. The other major benefit for having a high level of Army experience is it can provide your Infantry units with better combat abilities which can provide for advantages in Battles. These experience-related combat advantages come in the form of Dice roll bonuses. Infantry units with a large enough Army XP advantage over their opponent are at times provided with + 1 to their Dice rolls and/or a -1 to the Dice rolls of their enemy.
When such an advantage forms during a Battle and the more experienced army has a positive outcome, players are informed and provided details of the event. There are 3 general Battle events that can occur for Armies that range from having a small through having a vast Army Experience advantage on their opponent.
Attack Flanking Maneuver: when continuously attacking the same territory from multiple different adjacent territories, having an experience advantage your troops may launch into and perform a Flanking Maneuver, which provides a +2 Dice Roll advantage for the Attacker over the Defender on all dice rolls.
Should an Attacker run a successful flank on a territory the following message is shown to players at the end of the Battle.
Battle Advantage: when one side has an definitive experience advantage, they can be provided with a +1 to all Dice rolls for the Battle whether they are the attacker or the defender. When this event occurs, the following message is broadcast to players following the Battle.
Disengage / Retreat from Battle: during any Battle once you have reached the 2 or 3 casualty mark, if your Infantry troops have enough experience in contrast to the enemy army, they may be able to disengage if they are the attacker, or successfully retreat if the defender, to end the Battle without further loss of units. If a Battle was ended prematurely the following message is broadcast to players about the event.
Army Experience events, while relying on a characteristic that players have some control over, there is still base randomness added into the probability on whether or not one will fire in any given Battle to keep army experience from overwhelming and controlling the battlefield results.
Military Centers also have a positive effect on a territory’s Army experience providing a number of boosts to its totals. Any newly recruited Infantry units from deployment placed into a territory with a Military Center receive 10 experience points on account of the center’s training.
Army experience also has a shelf life, at least at the territory level, and all of your territories lose a baseline 5% of their accumulated experience every turn or round. The exception to this rule includes those territories that contain a Military Center, as they are not party to the 5% per turn Army XP loss, as the center’s presence keeps experience levels maintained.
Note that the 5% loss of Army experience does not occur at the Player level. Once a Player has received any experience points the amount will remain the same and unchanged until the player manually uses it.
Battlecards: Battlecards are given to players that win Battles. Players earn a new Battlecard with every 3rd win on the Battlefield. The battle can be either offensive or defensive, but to “Win” you have to either inflict at least 1 more casualty than you receive or capture the territory you are invading. Not every battle crowns a winner.
Upon totaling a new set of 3 Battle Wins, players will be notified of their earning a new Battlecard and will gain receipt of it immediately following that battle. Each Battlecard is associated with the territory in which that 3rd Battle was won, and in turn associates the Region of the territory to each Battlecard as well.
Once you have collected 3 Battlecards, you can trade them in during your Deploy Phase for additional Infantry Units. Each Battlecard is associated with the territory and region in which it was won. The number of Infantry units offered during a trade is based on your selected Battlecard’s number of unique Regions.
You can get 5 Infantry units for 1 unique Region, 7 units for 2 unique Regions and 10 units for 3 unique Regions. The larger the number of regions in which you have battled and won, the larger the bonus.
You can load your Battlecard screen by clicking on the Battlecards Button located in the menu area at the bottom of the screen.
Once you have 3 Battlecards you can trade them in for more troops by selecting each individual card and then clicking on the Trade In Button to complete the transaction. Click the Exit Button on the left-hand side of the screen to close the Battlecards. window.
The number displayed behind the button is your current Battlecard count; once you hit 3 the system will remind you during your next Deploy phase.
Region View
Region View: The Region view is accessible using the Region View Button located on the bottom left-hand side of the game screen within the other Menu options.
Every territory on any of our Game maps is assigned to a parent region. Each Region groups together a number of near-geographically situated territories for the purposes of providing bonuses to players that control and hold all included members.
Each Region is colored coded, provides general information about itself and its bonus along with identifying the active turn player’s holdings and bonuses they may be receiving or are close to receiving.
Click the Region View Button a 2nd time to return to the standard game map view.
Game Menus and Logs
This section provides an overview of the general Game Menus, System options and Information and Help features available within the game.
Character Display & Menu Buttons: during each player’s turn, their Character is displayed at the bottom middle of the screen along with their current Phase. This area of the screen provides a number of Menu options and Action buttons that allow the active player to navigate their turn such as the Next Phase button and the Set Battle Plan and Add Battle Plan buttons.
Along the bottom of the screen exists 4 Menu buttons that provide direct Gameplay features such as access to your Battlecard Screen with the Battlecards Button and the Region View Map with the Regions Button, along with indirect ones for Tips & Hints (i.e. Help) Button along with the Game’s Main Menu Button which is covered in a little more detail below.
Player Logs: each participating player and their avatars are displayed on cards at the very top of the screen and listed from left to right based on their designated turn order in the game. Displayed are their number of Infantry units and their total number of controlled territories.
For those that enjoy Game Statistics, clicking on any one of those player cards will load a Player screen that includes their current game holdings, along with a few key battle statistics and a comprehensive player log detailing all of the actions they have performed during the game.
Each Battle and Battle Plan involving player interaction displays its phase, the players involved, the outcome, along with the individual Dice rolls generated and used in each event. This allows for transparent and open reviews to take place at any time during or after the game. You can cycle to every Player’s Log in the interface and all actions, statistics and dice rolls are openly available to all other players.
Game and Character Statistics: by clicking on the Player Statistics Button on the Player Log screen a 2nd page will load that provides a deeper dive on that player’s current Game Statistics. It also provides a section for Character Statistics which provides historical data for the times you have played as that character.
Hints & Tip (Help) Menu: this feature provides users with information about the current phase, along with providing information for important gameplay features, mechanics and interaction options. Clicking the Help / Tip Button loads an Information Tip Page for the current Phase and an overview of the steps required to complete it by the player.
Every Help & Tip Page contains two options near the top of the page, on the top right-hand side is the Gameplay Library Button, which loads our Gameplay Library that contains all of the game’s help resources and are freely available to search through and load different topics and subjects as needed. The second option, on the top left-hand side is the VoiceText Button that when selected will provide you with an audio version of the current Help Tip if you prefer that to reading. This option is available for all of our Help topics and tips.
You will also find a Gameplay Library Button within the User Settings screen once you have started a Game for an additional route to the library resource.
Gameplay Library: the Gameplay Library currently consists of 3 main categories, Gameplay Phases, Gameplay Features and Gameplay Mechanics, and all help and tip topics fall under one of those three headings, with many game functions appearing in multiple categories. The categories are separated in this manner to provide a flow information from introductions and basic overviews under Phases, to more depth and discussion under Features, and ending with Game Mechanics providing the most complete and comprehensive level of detail for the game’s features, functions and calculations.
You can choose a Game Play Category by clicking in the menu, after which a sub-menu will appear near the bottom of the menu that includes the different topics contained therein. Each of the topics displayed in the the sub-menus has a Help / Tip Page available for viewing; click on the subject’s triangle icon to close the Game Library and load that topic. Each sub-menu currently listed 5 topics and the Feature and Mechanics categories cover more than 5 total topics, you can use the Next Button to move ahead to the next page of topics and the Previous Button to return to the last page.
The Game Library makes use of hover tooltips on each of its menu and sub-menu items. By hovering your cursor over the button area, a popup text tooltip will appear with general information about that option.
Suggested Tips:
During a turn, if the Help and Tip system identifies a potential move for the current player the Suggested Tip Icon will appear to the right side of the Help Button. By clicking on the tip icon, the suggested action is displayed in a popup banner along with a description of its potential steps. You can click on the Show Tip on Map Button, and the game will mimic the suggested tip visually on the game map for player reference, which may be helpful for new players.
Suggested Tips will always be for actions within the current active phase; these tips prompt for about for around 8 seconds before resetting and disappearing.
Suggested Tips can be identified and provided for all game phases, such as the Attack example shown, below, and these Tips can also generate to suggest potential Battle Plans, if one is available in your queue. The Suggested Tips and the Help Button Notice, where it flashes when a new Help Tip can be viewed, can be disabled within the Game Settings screen found in the Main Menu.
Main Menu: the main menu contains the basic options to restart and exit a game. Here you will find options to Save your game (Save Game or Cloud Save Game), and to Load an existing game (Resume Game or Reload Game). The Main Menu also contains the Game Settings, that include a small number of options in which to customize your game to your liking. The Game Settings is also where you will find options to turn on or off the sounds for Audio and Music categories. Click the Menu Button to open the main menu.
User Settings: underneath the Main Menu resides your player information and includes options to login using Google and a User Settings button. Within the User Settings screen you have the ability to set your Player Name, by tapping the player’s name field the keyboard is enabled and tapping it again saves the entry. As well as setting a custom Player Icon, by clicking the Icon field and selecting an image from your computer. There are some options to customize a few features related to game navigation, as well as enabling or disabling the auto-save feature.
When logging into Google and linking your account, some additional options and information is presented on this screen, such as logging out of your Google account and enabling a “Do not auto-connect” or logon with your Google account automatically.
The User Settings also contains a Resign Game option when you are playing a game, to exit gracefully. There is also a Reset Account option that can be used outside of gameplay, that will remove any and all information related to you and any linked account to the game.
Note: the Save Game option saves a copy of your game file to your local device as a small json-text file (*.wbf extension) and provides the option of loading any one of your last 5 saves that can be found locally directly from the menu. An option to search your Game files and choose your save file manually is also available. For those using a linked Google account, all game settings and game save files are also sent to the Cloud (an online Google Drive) for safe keeping and are automatically synced locally as needed to ensure they are always available to you regardless of the platform or device you use next.
Characters: there are currently 10 different characters that you play as or against and each have their own design, colors and play style. We plan to continue to expand their ranks and allow players to choose the character they play with in the future.
- Captain Conquest
- General Maximus
- Pirate Princess
- Viking Lord
- Chief Justice
- Ronin the Great
- Warrior King
- Emperor of Heaven
- Maharaja Express
- Marshall Law
Please also see our Gaming Terms of Service for rules governing its use and our Gaming Privacy Policy for rules governing how user data is handled while playing the game.
Game Mechanics – under Construction …
The following section attempts to provide a deeper dive into the game and provide the mechanisms for the behind-the-scenes logic that helps determine Battle and Battle Plan results.
Game Materials Library
Our World Battlefest online library can be found at the link below, which groups all of the training manuals, guides and videos and other materials created for the game in one place.